Should I send this?

(I'm sorry for the bad grammar I never got taught)

✴❇✴❇✴ please no rude comments about how this is written if you don't understand scroll past✴❇✴❇✴

* a little backstory me and we will call him JB met in a volunteer program we have known each other for 2 month's but rarely saw each other because we were on different teams but it feet/feels like forever i told him about my abusive boyfriend at the time of two years a few days after telling him my boyfriend called me we will call him X so I walked into where JB was because i was walking to him already but i felt off I was shaking bad JB asked who it was and I showed hom the caller ID then i sign for him to give me a hug and he did then i realized my whole body was shaking extremely bad so he took me outside while I was on the phone me X didn't know JB was around so X aske what what i want him to do with the fishtank he told me his mom is going to sell it so I told him to throw it away i asked JB if X takes the clear stuff off would it come apart easier so X can throw it away JB sad no then X aske "who is the douchebag in the background" that is when i said it is my friend X then said k ill let you go so I replied its time for me to take time for myself X im sorry ill have my nana pick up the rest of my belongings I want to be with somebody that I can start a life with and marrie and have kids with not someone that is abusive and gose to the bar every night.. I fell out of love with him.. after a few days I kept looking at JB then he asked what and I said "nothing" he asked if i want him to kiss me first I said yes it was the best kiss ever so we aterted acting like we where together but didn't lable it becuse i said "i wasn't ready for a relationship" but I giess he was the one anyways JB had to go home due to family emergencies we have been dojng really good we had one little issue the we talked out about his liking some girls pictures a bunch and I asked why and who she is he siad she is his sisterd boyfriend I said oh ok then he followed up with you know I'm a very social person you know that but if you want me to delete he I will i said im not going to be who I was with my ex that is your decision not mine he done said I want you to be comfortable and not have to worry I said agine it is up to you hun after that conversation i aske what we are he said "you know the anawer" I said so we are and he said it agine then we had to get off the phone he texted me saying he delete her and that afer getting to thinking about it its for the best becuse of how she is i just said thank you then I asked agine if we are together and he said "yes we have them for a while" I came back with a smartass comment of "how long is a while and when is out annversry lol" all he said is i know we moved fast and that we will have to sit down and talk about it" lol soooo tonight this was what I sent after he said he is going to work (he just started a new job last night)

I was going to send this tonight but i feel like I ask to much and also his family is giving him problems so its probably nothing to do with us

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Hey hun? Im sorry to bug you you seem i guess I would say quiet today (we have been texting and I can't think of another way to say it)is everything ohaty with us im asking because it probably just me lol 💕 have a amazing night at work I can't explain how proud/happy I am that you took a big step of getting a job so you can do the things you need to do while you are there and so that you can continue to save up to move when i graduate.. thank you for loving me and believing in me I didn't think i would love agine but i was completely wrong you made me see what true love is I finally understand what my family meant when they said you'll know when someone is the one I love and miss you im excited to see what the future brings to us💌💗😘