40 +1 induction


While my little man snoozes I figured I’d share my induction story.

I arrived at the hospital at 7:30 this morning and they hooked me up to monitors and started an IV. They gave me some fluid and then we began pitocin. I didn’t really start feeling anything significant until about 14/16 & I was stuck at a 3 for a few hours. At about 5 they began to pick up in intensity and actually started to hurt a bit. They came in and broke my water as well as put internal monitors on the baby and myself because the regular ones with the band weren’t cooperating.

I asked for an epidural because with my previous birth once my water broke everything was way too intense for me and I wanted to avoid being in horrible pain. Also last birth it took them two tries to get it in properly so wanted to avoid prolonging in case that would need to happen again. Luckily these doctors got it right the first time! Or so I thought. My legs went numb and contractions began to lighten but within the hour I was writhing in pain, screaming and in tears because of how bad it hurt. I had never felt such intense, aching pain in my entire life (the reason why I give mamas who go natural such credit). I could feel absolutely everything and I felt like such a wreck. They checked me again and I was at an 8 by then. The anesthesiologist came in once more and gave me another bolus of the epidural medication. After a few more awful contractions it began to take a effect but only on my right side. I could still feel them on my left though they’d become slightly more manageable. He then brought in a pain medication but with every contraction I felt, I felt his head right at the entrance. He gave me the medication and we called the nurse to come check. Little man was ready to come out. They got me ready for practice pushing just as everything finally took full effect (I could not feel anything below my lower back). The midwife asked if I wanted to push next contraction, spread my legs then said “Never mind let’s get the doctor, break the bed and prepare for birth.” He was already crowning and ready to be born. Two pushes later we welcomed our little screaming Oliver into the world. I did have a second degree tear that she said tore in a weird way that needed a bit more attention but otherwise I was all good. The only problem was I was still completely numb and it didn’t wear off until about 1 AM- he was born at 8:01PM. We are so blessed to welcome this little boy and can not wait to introduce him to his big brother tomorrow. This labor showed me just how strong I actually am and that our bodies really are these miraculous machines that can handle almost anything thrown our way. My midwife said I handled everything so well and even though I didn’t want a natural childbirth I was pretty damn close and did so well.

Good Luck to all the December mamas who will welcome their bundles soon!

My little Oliver was 7lbs 13oz- a whole 1lb 7oz bigger than his brother!