Did I do the right thing?


I’m not sure where to post this... I live in NC and we just had a snow (probably not very much for people up north but for here I guess it was big) I work in the public school system and today there is a 3 hour delay.. they predicted that the temp would be 39° by 9am but it was only 32°... there was black ice all in my parking lot from the snow that melted and refroze overnight. As I’m trying to make it to my car I slip but didn’t fall, I started the car and began walking back to my apartment to get my purse, lunch etc... I’m trying to step up from the curb onto the stairs to get in the house and nearly fall and I would have hit the ground if I hadn’t of grabbed the stair rail. Typically I wouldn’t be so worried about falling but I’m 21 weeks pregnant and I really want to keep my baby safe. I was so shaken up by almost falling on the stairs that I called out of work because if I can’t even walk safely how the heck am I gonna drive??

I’m the type of person that feels SO GUILTY for calling out of work even if I’m sick or something.. it makes me feel irresponsible. I’m just wondering what you guys would have done? Do you think calling out was the right the to do?