37.2 labor????


I started having contractions last night.. Went to bed.. Was up and down all night.. As my 2 yr old was up like it was party time.. Then 5:30am.. My mans alarm goes off.. I get up to make him coffee.. Literally could not walk.. But that was the LAST big contraction ive had..

So i go back tod bed...

Now I've got diarreah, some contrations, my legs are weak and achy, my upper arms and shoulders are achy, im irritable, moody, sad, like the tv has nothing on it i want to watch and it bothers me.. Then fb is bothering me.. My toddler is bothering me...

And nothing im experiencing is screaming ita GO TIME!

I was 33wks went into labor.. Dilated to 3... They stopped it.. Was on procardia from then to 36.3. So here i am 37.3 and im feeling like this. And the last two days ive had a hard time keeping my eyes open.

Cant my water just break already so i can make this 45min drive and its worth it??!! Ugghhhhh