Relationship Advice?


So, my fiancé and I live with a roommate/his best friend.

Typically, I get along with him and he’s a good friend. We have personalities that clash but I tend to just keep my mouth shut and not say anything, no matter how upset I get.

Anyway, we all tend to hang out at home a lot. We live in such a small town that the only places to go are bars and we don’t really like the crowds that tend to be there.

Which means, my fiancé and I never go out on dates. We just hang out at home. I’m starting to get so annoyed by never having any time alone with my fiancé that I’m getting an attitude any time our roommate is around. And I don’t like it.

Asking for time alone puts my fiancé in an awkward situation. Our roommate typically gets upset if he doesn’t get to just go hang out with my fiancé. If our roommate is feeling lonely he tends to get more drunk than usual. (He drinks constantly)

I don’t know, maybe I’m just upset because I didn’t get my way today and hormones are not fun.

I’m just not exactly sure what to do.