Craving dairy lately


Before my pregnancy the only dairy I'd eat was cheese and even that only occasionally. I used to have non-dairy milk with my coffee and would opt for cashew yogurt instead of regular. Not long before getting pregnant I was even 100% vegan for 5 months. Since becoming pregnant I stopped any restrictions to make sure I'm getting enough calcium, iron, protein etc. I didn't have any particular craving around it, just tried to eat a balanced wholesome diet. Well, since ~20 weeks I've been feeling like I NEED milk, cheese, yogurt, sour cream and even cream cheese that I used to hate. And I need it all full fat and rich. It's so weird! I feel like it's been making me gain weight faster over the last couple weeks so I'm wondering if it's something to restrict a bit or let it be as long as it's in reasonable quantities (which it is currently). I do take calcium+d3+magnesium supplement which is supposed to satisfy the need for calcium so I'm not sure why my body asks for additional. 🤷 Anyone else craving dairy lately? And if not, what are your ~20-22 weeks cravings?