My traumatic birth story so worth it though

Danielle • Mom of 2 👦🏻👩🏽. 2 bonus girls👧🏻👱🏻‍♀️. 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻. 🤰🌈11/15/18. 💑. 🐶

Well... 11/8 I starting having steady contractions but nothing unbearable. I was scheduled to be induced 11/9. So I go to be induced at 7am and in active labor. Yayy I’m thinking this is going to be so fast.

While my poticin was turned to max about 1030. To which we made the call to get the epidural because it would take a half hour for her to get up there and who knows how long to get it in and being induced is absolutely horrible.

So 11 rolls around and she comes in and talks to me about my multiple sclerosis because I had severe issues with flair ups the last 3 months of the pregnancy. We determined I was good to go and she had me sit criss cross and hold onto the nurse. Pokes me 3 times with lidocaine. Tries to get epidural in. Doesn’t work. All of a sudden a huge double contraction and I heard and felt a pop at the top of my stomach. Instantly everything went painfully numb in my body, then seen stars and then I fainted backwards which I had a seizure. Came to and theAnesthesiologist said there’s no way I’m touching you as they rolled me on my side because my oxygen and babies were dangerously low. She said a neurologist on call had to come clear me before she can give me the epidural. So, the nurse turns my poticin off because I’m freaking out with anxiety at this point and in extreme pain, she looks and there’s maconium in my amniotic fluid meaning nicu has to be in to take the baby and evaluate her. 1230 comes around and in walks the neuro. At this point I’m feeling better just crazy painful contractions and tingly. He clears me and she come back in. 5 more lido pokes and she tries to get it in. Doesnt work. 3 more lido pokes tries a diff spot doesn’t work. 4 more lido pokes and finally the 3rd poke into my spine worked. Within a half hour I felt hardly nothing SCORE!!!. I went in dilated at almost a 4 and was only at a 4. No progression. Well at 2 she checks me and I’m at a 9, clearly my body was stressed. Says I’ll check you again in 30min. Not even 15 min later I feel tons of pressure. Tell her check me. She says not for another 15min. I said I’m gonna start pushing then. So she checks and hey I’m at a 10! Yayy let’s push.

So I push and push and push but couldn’t feel so I told her shut off the epidural drip. 3 rolls around she says don’t push I don’t want to deliver your baby, and the dr, the resident and 12 nicu nurses come in.

But don’t push? You’re kidding me that’s easier said then done! Everyone’s telling me push harder but I’m drained and trying here!! Finally at 315 she says Danielle you need to push hard so you tear, she’s not coming out. I don’t want to give you an episiotomy. I said I was cut with both my other kids. At the same time I said cut me, my bf said cut her so she did. 2 more pushes and I heard the beautiful sound of my baby girls crying. They placed her on me long enough to cry my eyes out and took her to the warmer to get all the poop out of her and check her over.

The resident couldn’t get my placenta out. So they are crankin down on my stomach and it’s not moving. (I had complete placenta previa my pregnancy until 32 wks) 15 min later it came out. All of a sudden I’m seeing stars and the dr says Danielle I need to give you this shot in your leg, you’re hemorrhaging. A few more minutes, Danielle it’s not stopping and bam another shot in my other leg. The look on the dr face was bothersome.

Soooo, then this long clamp with gauze gets shoved into my uterus (yup felt that!) and she’s saying I need to find where you are bleeding from. She can’t find it. Finally it slows down. She finishes sewing my whoohaa up and I focus on my baby screaming. They let family in that was at the door my mom takes one look at the baby then me and rushed to me. Apparently, i was white as a ghost and looked out of it. FINALLY... they give me my baby.

I have NO conception of time at this point.

32 hrs later they checked my hemoglobin and it was at a 7, meaning I should have had a blood transfusion, my bf said there was so much blood he was scared. He said he didn’t want to leave me but I said go see our baby while they worked on me. Not knowing how bad it really was.

We hired a birth photographer and I am so absolutely in love with our video. It’s breathtaking even in the crap moments she found the beauty.

My sweet Everly Melina Louise was born 11/9/18 weighing 6lbs 12oz and 20” long (19 1/4 at her 2 wk check up so they messed up)

The nurse made an error on her acknowledgment of paternity papers so I’m unsure what my daughters last name is and have to resubmit her paperwork because she had her dads and now they are telling me he was removed from her birth certificate and she has my last name. So let’s see how much of a pain this will be lol

If you made it this far I hope you love her pictures. I know I am sooo in love with her. She’s 4wks 5 days old. Eating tons, we are breastfeeding and it’s been a rollercoaster ride. I had mastitis so bad that it was the size of a xl egg, and took 2 rounds of antibiotics, now she either has thrush or i have rheynauds syndrome in my left nipple. I’m still bfing and pumping but its Been very hard and painful.

She’s now 9lbs 11oz and 20 1/3” and she knows her mommy thats for sure.