I thought it was starting?!


So I woke up from a nap, peed, then laid back down. Maybe 5 mins later I coughed and some liquid came out. I figured it was more pee but it was clear and odorless and kept coming every couple of seconds, lying down or standing up. I called my midwife and she said it could be my water, so eat and try to sleep and call them if contractions get to 3 mins. Otherwise come to the hospital in the morning and theyll check me out. Braxton hicks started pretty heavy after that, lots of pressure, barely had an appetite, lower back ache, nausea, headache, diarrhea, everything. I tried to fall asleep and was woken up by a nasty BH. That happened one more time but since then I feel fine! I've had one more BH and that's it, nothing in the last 2 hours! I. Am. Frustrated! Were going to the hospital in a few hours and if it was my water theyll induce 🙁 if not, membrane sweep 😁. But what do you guys think, false labor or early labor? It's officially my due date!