Is the medical industry complacent when it comes to women's healthcare?

Ashlee • Little Miss Mini Me coming September '19

I mentioned the idea of debating this to Sparrow yesterday (?) on the post about the link between heart attack and pre eclampsia. So, what do you think, do you think the medical industry is complacent and women are at a disadvantage when they need care specific to them?

Some examples of complacency to get the conversation started, feel free to add more...

- A very large number of women show that they no longer experience symptoms of PCOS after they have a successful pregnancy. HCG is currently used in the medical field as a treatment for obesity. Women who happen to have PCOS and receive this treatment for obesity also report that their symptoms have gone away. Why is there still "no known cure for PCOS?" Why hasn't there been more research on how HCG affects PCOS?

-The link between pre eclampsia and heart attacks is not commonly known, not even by women who suffer from pre eclampsia.

- I didn't know that during your monthly self-check, you're supposed to feel for lumps all the way out to your elbow until my doctor was worried that I had breast cancer. When I asked my mom and several friends if they knew, they also had no idea.