Bacteria Vaginosis


Since being pregnant and dealing with the PH hormone fluctuations, Ive developed BV. Im sure most of you are familiar with BV...I have ALL the annoying symptoms! Fishy Odor (gets worse as the days go by) itchy vulva, excessive discharge ranging from Brown, red and mostly orange. I am currently 10weeks 6 days. Ive reached put to my Dr several times regarding the problematic symptoms but she tells me it is unsafe to treat BV in the first trimester and I need to wait until the second before she will call in any antibiotics...LIKE WTF am I supposed to do??? Walk around smelling like moldy fish and itchy around the clock?? Its torture!!! She makes me feel like it comes down to harming my baby taking antibiotics or deal w/ the symptoms 😭😞 Im so frustrated and scared. My last pregnancy ended at 18 weeks due to an untreated infection. I dont know what to do....I just went to the restroom and I was spotting orange 😑😑 has anyone taken an antibiotic in the first trimester?? All my research says clindomycin is safe but my Dr won't write an RX....I am also starting to cramp, not sure if its from stress but I WANNA SCREAAM! Also, I NEVER get infections normally but for some strange reason, when I become pregnant, I develop a bacteria infection...dr said due to hormones but its the most annoying thing EVER!! Thanks for taking the time to read this and offering your advice! ❤❤Much Love