Well last night sucked

Brianna • Frederick May 2016. William January 2019! ♥️ Stay at home mom with Hashimotos ♥️

Around 1 pm I started having a dull back ache. Drank water but wasn’t able to lay down until hubby got home at 5:30. It subsided for a few hows. Then strong Braxton Hicks started. Not painful, but very apparent my entire pelvic region was tensing up. Went on for over an hour along with what can be described as almost an anxiety attack- labored breathing and overwhelming feeling (I’ve never had one but my best friend has). Everything stopped after DH and I got into a fight. Probably started light cramping again until I fell asleep around 12:30

Wake up at 3:30 and start having more BH. If I lay on my side, they were 2-3 minutes apart. On my back, 6-8 minutes. It was a definite cramping with a bit of pain thrown in a few of them. I get up and walk around and eat and drink something but can’t relax bc every time I lay down they get worse! It was harder to distinguish them when I was standing bc baby was putting a lot of pressure on my tummy. Finally call l&d at 5:30 and they aren’t worried at all and they slowed down so I lay in bed and they start finally going away. 😩 I’m only 34 weeks, and while they were not consistent or getting very painful/stronger, it was honestly a little scary!