Twin Miscarraige 💔❤️


Hi everyone. Looking for some support. I miscarried a twin at 5 weeks when I went in for my first scan due to spotting. Went back at 7 & 9 weeks & the other baby had a strong heartbeat. It was magical. This would have been my 3rd baby which came as a total surprise to us. Almost so surprising it never felt real or always felt off. We got to our 12 week scan & at this point we had accepted the pregnancy, told our families, & were in love. Only to find no heartbeat & the baby stopped developing at 11 weeks. That scan was unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I’ve seen 2 healthy babies at 12 weeks & this one I just knew before anything was said or left unsaid.

I chose to have a D&C. I had to wait 2 days. Those 2 days at home carrying the baby were surreal. I was pregnant but not...? Ugh. The D&C procedure went well but I was more nervous for that than my previous 2 csections!!! Recovery for me was tough. I had crippling cramps for 4 days. I’m 2 weeks post surgery & no cramping & light bleeding now. Thank you Lord 💔🙌🏻

Just thought I’d share my story for those that think they’re alone. I never once thought miscarriage would happen to me.