Anyone else experiencing this?

Diana🖤 • 👰+🤵= 👶January 11th 2019 🖤💜🖤

Sorry so long....

Baby's movements used to be constant all day long but recently she doesn't move in the morning/afternoon... AT ALL. Just goes crazy at night, I told my doctor this on Tuesday and she had me do a NST and baby failed it, they kept saying I wasn't eating enough (my appointment was right in the middle of lunch time so ofcourse Its been a few hours since I ate) they gave me an ultrasound and everything was fine, it just took her awhile and a lot of pokes to move. So they sent me home then called Wednesday and wanted me to eat, then come in for another NST. I did and she barely moved but her heart rate kept shooting up randomly, then going way down and wouldn't have a steady baseline. They had me stay until it was normal..said everything was fine then sent me today she's barely moving again..I feel alittle nervous something is wrong and I want to call tomorrow to let them know nothing has changed. But I'm sure it will be the same as before. Not exactly sure what's going on , wonder if anyone else is going through the same thing.

Maybe she's just being a stubborn sleepy baby lol