Possible pregnancy?!

Okay ladies! Sooo i had sex on December 2nd 4th and 5th and once was with a condom and the other 2 were pulling out. (Which i am aware neither work) but then my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> app notified me i started ovulating the 1st-5th. I have been so bloated and gassy. And my boobs are tender. And i and always tired and kinda nauseas. And weird thing is i have been getting the hiccups like at least 7 times a day everyday. Thats odd... and i was reading thats a pregnancy sign?! Im not sure how accurate. But i know all these signs could be period signs. But im supposed too start in 5 days. Would it be too early too take a test?! Is it too early for these kind of symptoms?