What is happening?


First off, everyone in this group my heart goes out to you. This loss is something you truly never understand until you’ve been through it. It is heartbreaking.

I had a miscarriage naturally at 7 weeks on November 5, 2018 with my first pregnancy. I’ve been getting my HCG levels tested weekly and this Monday, December 10th they were at 22. Today, December 14th I’ve started bleeding and I think it’s my period. How is that possible?

I’m so confused by this whole process. I never knew this process could take that long and every day that I’m still ‘pregnant’ is a set back in my healing process. I’m so thankful for a period as it’s a sign we can move on but I’m confused because I thought my levels had to be zero - then I’d ovulate - then I’d get a period. We want to start TTC after my first period. 🌈🌈🌈