Weight loss!?


I need tips! And fast!

I had my son 11 months ago and lost 45 pounds by 3 months PP and haven't really made any progress since except a pound here or there. I want to lose just 30 more pounds and mainly in my lower stomach and hip area as that's where alot of my leftover baby weight is still lingering but i can not find any exercises that specifically help targeting that area.

I've been doing weighted pelvic thrusts thus far as its what I've found to help target there but i need something bigger and better to help beat this baby weight.

I workout at home and my son is usually right by my side so i use him as my personal weight lol (30lbs though so why not? 😂)

Somebody anybody tips ideas inspiration. SOS !!!

Pic of my bub for the heck of it :)