Scared to Lose my virginity


i’m still a virgin but my boyfriend isn’t and he understands that i want to wait and he’s not rushing me at all. i want to lose my v really bad but i don’t wanna say anything to him yet cause i feel like i’m going to get scared or back out or something. the reasons i’m scared is because i’m self conscious about my body so it’s not really about losing my v, it’s mostly about how he’ll see me when he sees my body, and i really care about what he thinks and i just feel like he’ll secretly think i’m a lil chubby or my thighs could be skinnier. he’s always said that he won’t think that and he’ll think i’m perfect no matter what but i can’t get the voice out of my head telling me that my body isn’t what it should be. i just want advice about how to get over stuff like that ? or what made you want to lose your v ? what were you scared of when you were thinking about losing it ? anything is helpful to me