Boyfriend of 2 years never initiates sex/never passionately kisses me, HELP?

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 years and we barely have sex.

Last night I told him I’m bothered by some things including, I wish he would kiss me more and have more passion but I said obviously I can’t ask someone to have more passion either it’s there or it’s not. I was just sharing with him how I feel.

any time we kiss he just pecks me and says hello or it’s just very quick, like we have been together so long and it seems like he doesn’t even want to kiss me he just wants to get it over with and if we kiss I’m always the one initiating it. I just want to feel desired by him for once, you know?

I was confused why he doesn’t feel that way but he finally explained to me.

He said, I am a very sensitive person and I let a lot of things bother me (I suffer from anxiety and depression) so he said, (which makes a lot of sense now)

He sees me like a best friend that he loves and he always has to protect me and make sure I’m okay and sees me as kind of like a baby because I am so sensitive and I take everything to heart and he said he is fine with it but he doesn’t see me as a badass, don’t give a fuck, independent woman and that is what is sexy to him. (I 100% understand why he would feel that way) but I want to have more passion and everything so it’s basically up to me. He said when we do have sex he loves it but he never wants to jump on me and initiate it and I hate that!!!

As for me, what can I do differently? I know I shouldn’t change for anyone but I want to have more passion with him and obviously not even just for him, but be more independent for ME.


EDIT: he loves me and wants to marry me, and he says sex isn’t a big deal to him. He loves me for who I am and isn’t asking me to change. But I am the one bothered by it!!! I want to have a lot of passion and sex!