How to fight baby fever???

I just don't understand it I guess but I'm always constantly wanting to have another baby. I've always talked about having a boy and a girl then I'm done. Everyone's told me that you want more children less after your first child...but that seems to be the complete opposite for me!

Ever since my daughter was born last April I'm just dying to try for a little boy. I know my fiance isn't ready, since we have had a rough 9 months and he's not had the experience with children like I have. (I've been in college for Child Development, working for my CDA. Not to mention all the babysitting and volunteering at hospitals I've done)

I love children! I've always known from a young age that I would be a mother. But I feel like my strong want for another baby is becoming unhealthy. But also at the same time I'm not sure it is because I don't talk about it often enough that it bothers my fiance. It's just a deep feeling and I just want to know I'm not as crazy as I feel. What do you ladies think I should do?