Starting to feel overwhelmed...

Alright so I have a 3 year old son, and my new baby just turned 2 weeks. I also have a grandmother that lives with us and fiance. On top of that I have 2 dogs and 3 cats. My newbie is cluster feeding and I literally have gotten 2 hours of sleep a night if not less. I was fully prepared for the lack of sleep. I was not prepared for having no help. I still do everything. All the cooking, all the cleaning, all the child care. Both my grandmother and fiance will watch me struggle to get stuff done and not even offer.

I'm literally sick to my stomach because I have no sleep and my "fiance" has the nerve to complain to me that hes too tired and he goes to sleep!! I mean hes on outage and had been working 7 days s week 10 hour shifts. That's why I've given him allot of understanding. But he will leave me to bathe my 3 year old with a screaming 2 week old to just lay in bed on his phone. Then gets mad at me if I ask for help. I feel so overwhelmed and I could literally bitch for days. I want to cry and scream! I love being mommy. It's a dream come true, but am I wrong for just asking for any kind of help.