Feeling defeated and down


Lately my life has been deteriorating. I’m overweight and have struggled my whole life. Even being in sports and weight lifting in high school I was just under 200 lbs. since having a baby things have spiraled out of control weight and medical wise. I feel like my quality of life due to medical issues just tops everything off. Then I have to deal with extensive medical bills. I feel like a burden on my family. I have tried everything to loose weight but have been unsuccessful. I eat healthy, organic, nothing out of a box, and cut back on fatty meats sticking with fish and chicken. Never go out and work out daily. I am so overweight I get cysts all over my body and it’s extremely painful. I also have pros and started metformin and I just feel like it’s never going to get better. Anyone have advice. Experience? Kind words? 😢😭🤢