Period 3 days late.. should I be hopeful?


Normally my period runs pretty much like clock work but this month I am 3 days late. However, I took a pregnancy test on the day of my expected period and it came back negative. But the only thing I have to go on is I don’t have any of my period symptoms. No cramps. But my nipples were super tender for a week before my period and since I missed it my breasts have been pretty sore. I’m just praying that my story might be similar to others I’ve seen were they take their test the next week and it comes back positive 🙏🏼 we’ve been trying on and off for a couple years now and have been praying.

Should I get my hopes up? Or try to stay realistic?

Edit: also my 25th Birthday is tomorrow and I always thought I would have had a baby by now so if AF shows up for my birthday it will feel like a punch in the face..