Don’t be that mom!!!!!


Idk why moms are that way. I was told things by my mom at such a young age about the shape of my body and how if I didn’t eat good & work out I’d end up Over weight and I grew up insecure because of that. don’t get me wrong she’s there for me when i need her in other things & Always helps when she can. It’s just her comments hurt. I’ve try to show her my makeup before and all she saies is you can do better or I can’t even tell a difference . I’ve started my weight loss journey and have lost 6lbs within a month and i told her and she said “wow That means you haven’t even tried enough that’s so little” I’ve changed my whole lifestyle and this is what i get ?But I’ve learned to not Ask her anymore or tell her much. For what.

I have a daughter & best believe i will not be the one who makes her feel ugly. I’m going to make her feel beautiful & raise a confident Independent lady 🤞🏼💛

Please Don’t be that mom. I can understand if u want you’re kid to be healthy but there’s better ways to say things. Also don’t point out things U don’t like about them. We should be raising queens. Who’s with me ?