Feeling proud of myself...💪🏼


Sometime last month I suffered a huge drop in my supply which was either due to the surgery I had to remove a cyst on my left ovary (resulted in removal of the ovary and Fallopian tube) or it was from the fever I had a few days after the surgery. I was barely producing enough to feed my baby, and even had to dip into my freezer stash, which I had just donated most of to my cousins baby (he was having issues with formula). I was so scared that I wasn’t going to be able to breast feed. So I started eating oatmeal, drank lots of water, Gatorade, and mothers milk tea. I also pumped after every nursing session even though I was only getting an ounce or two afterwards. (I was an overproducer before this and would get about 5-6 ounces after feeding my baby). I also started nursing her anytime she was bored or didn’t seem content just so it was constantly stimulating my breasts to produce. She actually also went through a few days where she wanted to cluster feed. She was just extra moody those days. Here I am about 3 weeks later, pumping this at 6 am for comfort lol. I left just enough in my boobs for my baby to eat when she wakes up. (She sleeps through the night now too, so my boobs were throbbing and could no longer comfortably sleep lol.). I now am freezing about 6 ounces a day after fully feeding my baby all day, some days I’ll freeze 9 ounces if I am having a better day. It just makes me so proud of all the moms who try so hard and go through so much to be able to feed whatever milk they can to their babies.

If you are someone who is struggling to produce enough to feed your baby, just know that I am proud of you for the hard work you are putting in. It’s not easy. Breast feeding is so hard but so rewarding. 💗