Trying “THE SALAD” today 🤣🤣 the famous LABOR INDUCING SALAD!!!!***

Mia • Bella Mia 👽

This Café in Studio City, CA has a salad known as THE SALAD, which makes women go into labor if they are close to, or over due. I am scheduled for a C Sec this coming week, but really wanted to have a VBAC. I have been doing all the natural things Bouncing on the ball, Walking like crazy, Sex, Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, Spicy food and yet I am only dilated 1 1/2 cm with no sign of anything close to giving birth, I’m still on the fence on trying Castor Oil, but this salad doesn’t seem too bad, and well what’s there to lose...anyone else have a specific meal that is being recommended or advertised as such?!

The place is called Caioti Pizza Café in Studio City, CA.

“THE SALAD” is: Lettuce, Gorgonzola, walnuts and their “special” vinaigrette dressing which is supposed to do the trick...

Will update after its been a few hours once I have eaten it, since that’s the time frame everyone on the reviews posts.

Wish me luck 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼



It has been 14 hrs and no signs of baby this AM, yesterday evening I did have a lot more cramping, and painful “contraction” like...pains, but nothing unbearable or consistent. Will update at the 24 hr mark again 😩😩😩

*****UPDATE #2*****

No baby 🤦🏻‍♀️ “THE SALAD” did not work on me!