Pumping at work.

🌻🌺Trinkster🌺🌻 • Mamma to my little man 10/02/18 and little girl 11/29/19

So I go back to work in 18 days. My son eats every 2 hours. My job has said that they will give me 20 minutes to pump per day. I get 2 15min breaks and a 30 min lunch.

I'm not sure how to do this. 15 min is not enough time for me to pump with getting my pump supplies together and putting them away, pumping and getting to my desk. 20 minutes will barely cover it.

I have had supply issues before, so I am now freaking out about my supply plummeting. I live in Wisconsin, so the only law is they give us "reasonable time to pump and a place to pump".

Moms, what do I do? I cant possibly pump in the 10 minutes (realistically...with getting to and from places) what I need to keep my supply up! Help!