How to handle his first deployment


So my fiancé and I were going to get married at the beginning of this month but over the summer he was told he needs to go on deployment so we are holding off on the wedding till he gets back. I am being very supportive and I’m also exited for him because he is exited about going. This is why he joined. So he can serve. He is going to a safer place and won’t be in danger so that is a relief. We will also be able to communicate. Inside I am panicking. It’s becoming very real for me that I will be alone. I understand that is selfish and I haven’t told him this because he knows I am never alone. We have been together six years now and we have lived together for 2. Before that I lived with my sister and we shared a room all our lives. I have never slept alone. This year I have made a lot of goals for myself to help me and I am trying to stay as positive as possible but he will be gone for a year and I’m scared. I will also miss him like crazy, he is my partner. We are always together and I just can’t imagine a year without him.