Super Emotional on Arm implant?


So I got the nexplanon arm implant back in October, and this is my cycle since getting it(week on, week off)- before I was pretty regular, never really had PMS or super emotional- but since getting it I’ve noticed myself becoming more and more irrational with my actions and I don’t really know how to tame it.

I don’t feel like myself anymore, my depression has been super active lately when I’m on my period and IDK if I’m just super emotional because of the implant or maybe my depression is worsening. I’ve already started losing close friends because I don’t think before speaking when prior I was really good about it.

I know we’re supposed to wait 3 months before making a decision and for it to regulate but if this is normal I don’t want it- I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this and if there’s anything I can do / eat / drink / change to fix these symptoms or lessen them or if i just need to take it out and if there’s any other options I can try that won’t make me as emotional.