Short birth story Baby Joshua 15/12/18💙


My beautiful baby Josh entered the world at 5am on the 15th December.

Irregular contractions started Thursday evening after a 2nd sweep. Come Friday evening they were still irregular 17 mins then 5 then 2 then 25 mins apart all of a sudden they were 1.5-2mins apart so hospital agreed we could go in 5cm dilated and had some diamorphine about 00:30 this wore off pretty much as quick as it worked asked for an epidural he came around 330am to do it but got called away to ICU so midwife checked how dilated I was the look on her face said it all it was too late and time to push.

Started pushing just before 4am and he was born 5am on the dot weighing 8lb 7 using only gas and air but not by choice! Needed stitches for a 2nd degree tear but I wouldn’t change him for the world 💙

He is my gorgeous little man and I didn’t realise it was possible to love someone so tiny as much as this💙💙💙💙 he’s my absolute world!