So unexpected


So first let me start off by saying I have been with the same guy for 8 years and married 1. We have been together since we were 13. He has helped me through so much and we have grew so much as a couple. I love him and I never want to hurt him but there is some stuff that has been laying heavy on my heart.

My husband has recently went out of state to work with drilling. He is 7+ hours away. I’m always depressed bc I now live alone. We recently moved to a different city before he went to work so I have no friends here and no one to talk to. Ever since he took this job I’m always questioning myself and our relationship. We got married at 21, so we are still really young. Sometimes I think I don’t even know my true self, I only know who I am with him. We barely get to talk to each other and we barely get to see each other. I honestly feel single.

Well about a two months ago I went out of state with a friend to a family thing and I met her family. Well I met a guy who took me by surprise. I knew it would never work out bc I’m married and he lives far away also. Well we ended talking (as friends) and I was getting feelings and he was too. About a week ago he came to my friends house, again we talked bc we haven’t seen each other. Well my friends mom is really close with the guy and the guy told her we were into each other. Which made everything awkward, but I’m sure everyone could tell anyways.

Now I didn’t mean to fall for him and I definitely wasn’t looking bc I love my husband. I don’t want to destroy my husband or our marriage but even before the guy I was questioning it. I’m so lost and confused.