Crazy IUD Story


So last week I was on the toilet when I noticed I had a pressure on my cervix. I didn’t think anything of it but decided to check my strings. Then I felt it. A portion of my IUD (Mirena) was in my cervix. I could feel it on the left side of my cervix. Sort of like a cystic pimple under the skin. I scheduled an appointment with a local Women’s Institute and explained I wanted to have it removed. This was my second IUD, I had it inserted about two years ago. I had always had issues with my period with the IUD. Extremely painful cramps, my skin began to become tender and I would have random bouts of uterine pain. My fiancé and I were done with the strings ruining the moment for us during sex. I always felt like they were still very stiff. I arrived to my appointment early and wait far past my appointment time, 45 mins past. I went to the desk to ask how much my appointment would cost and was told it would be 160 for my consultation. I clarified I had wanted it to be removed and they said I couldn’t because that wasn’t scheduled. Even though that’s what I requested on the phone.

So I left and decided to go to Planned Parenthood the next day. I made my appointment online, seriously the easiest thing ever. I get there and they tell me the removal is covered completely and so is the next form of birth control I choose.

I go into the room with the doctor, I explain my problem and we agree to remove it and for me to get the Depo shot. She pulled out the IUD and looked very confused. She said, “I don’t know how to tell you this but there’s still two strings.” I immediately knew why. When I had my second one inserted I distinctly remember asking the doctor if the removal would hurt and him kinda blowing me off? He never showed me the first one and was in and out of the room so quickly. I went to a separate room and they gave me an vaginal ultra sound and I saw just one IUD on the screen and thought nothing more of it after that. I kept telling my fiancé I felt off. I felt for my strings a few days later and thought hmm is that four? I asked a friend who had the IUD if it felt that way for her as well and she said she also felt like she had four strings but had it checked and there were only two. I brushed it off. The doctor then pulled on the string and pulled out another IUD. I had my first one in me for almost 8 years.

The doctor who inserted my second IUD never took out the first one. Before anyone asks, yes I felt for my strings before the insertion of the second one. They were definitely there. The second one was covered in a hard yellow mucus? It felt like my cervix got curb stomped. She recommended I make an appointment to test if there was any permanent damage to my uterus. I got my shot and left and I feel awesome.

Anyone else had something similar happen to them? Should I be worried?

Update: He is actually currently in jail for child porn! I have sought legal counsel to file a suit!