

This is so unexpected, but I figure I’d tell y’all my symptoms up to this point. I LOVED reading everyone else’s when they got their positive. I should be about 5 weeks pregnant at this point, but it hasn’t been confirmed via ultrasound yet..

I had no “real” symptoms up until 3 days before my period was due to start.

1 week before my period was due, I had a nosebleed for the first time since I was a kid. No reason behind it, it just started bleeding after a shower.

3 days until period- really bad low back/hip pain. Enough for me to make an appt with a chiropractor.

3 days until period- headache. Borderline migraine.

My acne is CRAZY bad on the bottom half of my face.


Low cramping on & off still.

I’ll keep y’all updated.