


I'm a newbie here. (Age31) I was skeptical on posting but after reading some sad post I thought I'd share. I can completely relate to alot of your stories. My husband and I have tried to conceive for 8 years. Some of those were monitored some were just living life without trying ( but unprotected )

We believe in the power of prayer and that it will happen accordingly in Gods timing... with that being said we still put forth effort. I have recently research home insemination kits. We actually just done this yesterday. I have tracked my OPK this month. ( Tracked up to positive ) After many test we found out everything is fine with the exception of me having one blocked tube. One is open, so still possible. ( chances cut in half )

If this home kit doesn't work for us this cycle we may consider <a href="">IVF</a>. Or atleast meet up with the Doc to see if it's something we'd want to do in the future. ( I will continue to keep faith and pray for all of you struggling ) I'm at the point to where I want children and will continue to pray and try but have accepted what it is at this point.. if that makes sense )

My 2 dogs are my kids right now ( Well will always be my fur babies with or without children ) but they do fill some of the void. Love them ( I do have to tend to them full time ) 😁😂

Just try to make the best of your situation and know there are people out there way worse off. Be thankful to just be alive.

Despite infertility at this point.. We are so blessed and will never ever lose faith. Miracles happen everyday!