Caleb is here!

Crystal • Mom to three(14 and 11 year Autistic twins),expecting number 4 in December 2018,and stepmom to two(14 and 14).

I went in for my VBAC induction on 12/10.The attending doctor gave me grief,and really pushed for a c section.I was adamant that a c section was my last resort.I found out at my induction that my placenta was anterior.The attending tried scaring me,saying a VBAC wasn't an option if my placenta was touching my 12 year old c section scar.He ordered a new ultrasound,a secondary IV port "just in case",and attempted to get records from my daughter's birth 14 years ago.I stood y ground.Everything came back fine,and after being admitted and on an IV for 4/5 hours,a Foley bulb was placed.I dilated to 5,and started the pitocin and stayed at 5 all day,and night.My contractions started and progressed,not a lot though.They got to were I was arching my back I from the pain,at 5/6 am the next morning,so I got my epidural around 7/8am.At 9/9:30am on 12/11,a resident got approval from a new on duty attending to break my water.I slept for a couple hours and woke up feeling pressure.I told the nurse,and at 11:44am she said baby's head is low, you're at 10.She called for a resident and assistance,they started breaking down the bed,asked if I could push,and at 12:06pm Caleb Clay was born,7lbs8oz and 20 inches long.I can't believe it's been almost a week...