Firstly, I live in San Diego, CA. I’m 25 years old, single mom of a 9 week old boy, live on my own and currently still on maternity leave. I have bad postpartum depression/ anxiety.

So today I had my appointment to see if I could qualify for food stamps. (My disability hasn’t come back in and I have no idea how I’m paying rent next month).

Anyways. After the appointment the worker tells me that I will be granted $10 this month and $15 the following months. I sit there kind of stunned. Just thinking to myself- well now what? I’m hungry. The worker hands me my EBT card and I just kind of look at him hopeless and thank him. Then I get enough courage to ask “do you know where there are any food banks?” He looks at my baby and say “for you or for him?” And without hesitation I say, “for me..” -luckily I get wic so formula and breast milk is covered.

He thinks for a minute in an awkward silence and apologizes and says no. So I gather my things thank him again, and DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID NEXT?!

“My break is at 1pm, in about an hour. I will take you next store, to the grocery store, and buy you anything you want, however much you want. I don’t care how much it is. This isn’t from a worker, this is just a friend to a friend.”

I was completely STUNNED. Just blown away that this man. Has no idea who I am. Has probably seen people in worse situations. Just offered to take me grocery shopping.

I just kind of looked at him AND CRIED. (Thanks ppd). I couldn’t stop thanking him and telling him how appreciative I am. I just left in TEARS. I didn’t take him up on the offer. Driving away I wish I would have. I am so hungry.

There are still good people out there. This man has no idea what I’m going thru and just the gesture alone meant so much to me.

Just wanted to share. Anyone else have similar stories?