Birth story




I am just now feeling up to posting my birth story. December 13th i went to the dr and i was 1cm dialated and 25% effaced. I was suppose ro be induced today December 18th. Thursday night i went and stayed the night at my mawmaws house. I went to sleep feeling fine. I woke up around 5am Friday morning to pee, after i peed i reached for the toilet paper and felt a gush and i thought oh no what was that ? Well i wiped and stood up and there was nothing in the toilet. I walked around for a bit and liquid continued to drip (i thought i was peeing every where) ok skip forward... i woke up my mawmaw and we got to the hospital at 6:47am. I called my husband and told him my water broke and i was at the hospital (i was 37 weeks 4 days) he freaked out and went told his captain that my water broke (he works on a tug boat as a deck hand) his captain found a way to get him off the boat and my dad went and picked him up two hours away. Meanwhile they made sure it was my water that broke and started me on pitocin and fluids at 8am. By 12:30 pm i was still 1cm and the dr told me if i didnt make progress by 3pm i would need a csection. Well by 3pm i was still at 1cm so they brought me to the back and did a spinal tap. My husband and my granny was allowed into the room with me while i had rhe csection. Just a short time later i heard our little girls first cry and i started crying. I looked back at my husband who had a big smile and was also crying.

Our little girl was such a blessing bc she was a surviving monoamniotic twin. The other twin died at 10 weeks pregnant. Our surviving baby only had a 2% chance of living. So our little one was a huge blessing to both of us. My husband looked at me and asked me how i was feeling and if i was ok and i said yes. I couldnt stay looking at him bc i would cry harder each time out of happiness. She was born with no complications and no health problems.

We couldnt be happier. The only problem is that i hurt so much and my feet and hands are extremely swollen. I woke up this morning and my right shoulder has fluid build up as well. Its extremely painful as well. The dr told me all that is normal though and will eventually go down.

I tried breast feeding but she will not latch. I do pump though and feed her my milk in a bottle. It makes me feel great that i can give her my breast milk. At first my milk was very limited and i was only getting aound 1oz all together after pumping both breast and now im up to 4 oz per breast !!!

Our little girls is simply beautiful and we cant get enough... although our first night home (last night) was miserable and she didnt go to sleep till 6am.

Below is her and her dad

I know i look horrible. I was so tired and this was right after surgery so i was on all sorts of meds as well.