When did you decide to get checked out?


How long into your TTC journey did you decide to get checked? What was the issue and did that work? And lastly do you wish you would have went earlier?

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I recently went couple months ago when I just turn 20, I went since I was having late painful periods and facial hair. Tbh I wish my doctor could of helped me more but since I have my own insurance now I’m getting more support from my new primary doctor now then I was in my early teens.


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My husband and I waited 7 months and I’m glad we did. We still aren’t pregnant and have unexplained infertility but we’re already working with an RE so hopefully we’ll receive positive news soon! My advice would be not to wait a year before getting tested. The tests can be long (for example it took my husband a good 1.5 months to get in to see a specialist so he could do his semen analysis.) also, there’s all kinds of tests they do on you (blood work, ultra sounds, HSG, etc.) good luck!!! TTC is so hard! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Stephanie • Jan 13, 2019
Thanks! I agree with this. Sometimes it’s an “easier” fix like take these and if it’s a bigger issue it’s important to plan and think. If we don’t get pregnant by the 6 month mark I’m just going to get checked out. Never hurts! Thanks yes TTC can be so difficult but so worth it in the end-any way I become a mom


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I went off BC in June 2018 and still hadn’t gotten my period through mid sept so I went to the doctor. They found that my TSH levels were elevated (4.5) and so i started taking thyroid medication. After getting tested again and then going to an endocrinologist, I’m now at 3.7, but need to get it down to 2.5 or below before we should start TTC.....I wish the doctor would have found this earlier so I wouldn’t have blown 10 months just prepping my body before we even start trying.


El • Feb 18, 2020
I lost my baby because of thyroid issues, I wish they could find it earlier.. good luck ❤️


Posted at
My husband and I are 5 months into TTC and I just scheduled an OB appointment. I haven't gone in yet. So no verdict. But I decided to go in so early because I have endometriosis, so I know it'll be harder for us to conceive!