2nd trimester blues


I’m so disappointed

I have no glow

I have so much extra body hair

I drink water and get nauseas

I look 25 weeks but I’m only 14 wks

I have horrible headaches

My back feels like it’s caving in

I pee each time I sneeze or laugh

I can’t get up from my couch with grunting

My feet have grown

I’ve seen my dr everything is perfect baby is growing perfectly I’m just so unlucky 😭

I have acne and pimples

I’ve heard “ wow are you carrying twins” 5 times this week and it’s only Tuesday

My 1 yr 6 month old has started a phase where he walks around the house with his eyes closed he bumps into so many things opens his eyes laughs and does it again which is so stressful coz I keep worrying he will get hurt

My husband works till 8pm everyday I don’t get to see him coz at 9pm

I’m knocked out on the couch

Ok I need a hug a bag of gummy bears and warm blanket and very good depend Briefs coz I’m over the 15 minutes bathroom breaks