Baby Claire born 12/16/2018


Well, I had an induction due to high blood pressure and after 36 hours it wasn't progressing. I was only 3 centimeters and she was not responding well to the pitocin. So I had to have a C-section... which I really hadn't wanted. But it had to be done. The anestesiologist was really great (him and his nurse were up by my head monitoring me so I interacted with them the most).

My recovery is going fine. Our little angel is doing great! She was born 8lbs 13 ounces! She is chubby and cute. But breastfeeding has been a challenge. I have flat nipples and she wasn't getting a good latch. So I started using a nipple shield but she still wasn't getting very must colostrum. This frustrated her and she began to fuss and not want to take the breast at all. We began supplementing with the intent to get her back on the breast but that seems not to be an option anymore. She hates trying at the breast and will cry until we move on to the formula. I am done fighting it because her primary nutrition has come from formula and she is happy and healthy. I still plan on (have started) pumping and hope to switch to just breast milk through exclusive pumping, given by bottle. But will still be supplementing with formula until we get into a good routine and get at least a day or two of back up going.