Postpartum anxiety

I realize our babies are almost 2, but today I finally talked to my doctor about something I’ve been dealing with since she was born. I knew it wasn’t PPD because I wasn’t depressed. I had/have so much anxiety mainly related to my, her, and my husband’s health and well-being. I’ve had a little bit of a cold and I woke up with a lump in my neck this morning. I was absolutely hysterical. Hysterical. I was just sure I was going to die. These sorts of things have become fairly regular with me the last several months. I’ll discover something minor and blow it out of proportion. My husband talked me into going to the doctor and she said it was just a swollen lymph node. For some reason my emotions hit me and I opened up to her about what I had been dealing with. She said postpartum anxiety is a real thing. I was embarrassed. I felt like I should just be able to “deal with it”. She gave me a prescription for Zoloft. It upsets me that I waited this long to get some help. Has anyone else had this problem? I want to feel like I’m not alone.