FTM and was dilated to an 8 by the time I got to the hospital!!!


Y’all!! My birth story is crazy, fast, and dramatic- also one big blur LOL.

so Monday, 12/17/18 I went to the doc 40 weeks pregnant, still made no progress past a 2, which I had been at for weeks. He scheduled to induce me on the 27th and gave me this speech how first time moms deliver late and typically need an induction but he was willing to let me go another 10 days. However he made it clear he didn’t think I’d have her on my own by then.

So I go home, feeling defeated and upset bc I started maternity leave that day and felt like 10 days of that leave would be spent wasted without my baby. I’m crying the whole way home bc all I want is to hold my baby. So I get home and just lay around the house all day. Spent the day napping and just being lazy.

Around 6 my husband gets home and I’m venting to him about all the reasons why I am upset about having to wait 10 more days to meet our baby girl! I’m just an emotional mess, all day. I just wanted to sleep for the day to be over, so off to bed I went.

Around 10 pm, I woke up with a sharp pain and it immediately brought me out of bed. I thought I needed to poop guys! I sat on the toilet... nothing! I went back to bed and just had tears in my eyes my stomach hurt so bad. (Up until that moment I never had a painful contraction, I didn’t even realize that’s what this was). My husband heard me moaning, and I told him I had a stomach ache and was going to take a bath. I laid in the bath water and started timing my contractions, but got to distracted with the pain to keep up with my time lol. I was flopping around like a beach whale in that water y’all! I kept thinking “should I go to the hospital” but I kept hearing my doctors voice when I seen him hours prior about how I hadn’t progressed blah blah blah. So at 11 I woke my husband up and told him I wanted to go to the hospital. And he replies with let’s give it a few minutes to make sure. I moved to a different room and just started having this mental war with myself about how this isn’t real labor and I’m doomed for when real labor hits with as much pain as I’m currently in. I’m breaking a sweat and pale as a ghost, moaning and groaning my husband comes in about 10 minutes later and started getting dressed. I start puking from the pain and just felt very weak. I think at this moment my husband realized this could be it, so we load up in the car at 11:30 and off we go!

The whole car ride I’m just in agonizing pain, I can’t even describe it. I was leaned back as far as I could get just clawing at everything with every contraction, yet still telling my husband “im gonna be so embarrassed when they send me home for false labor” lol. Get to the ER and they start checking me in, I’m freaking everyone in the ER our with all my exorcist type moans lol.

At around 12:15 they bring me up to triage to get checked out, I strip down and this nurse checks me and all I hear is “looks like your 8 cm dilated” YALL I ABOUT DIED. Panic came over me, I looked at my husband who was white as a ghost. First words out of my mouth was “I want an epidural” I just kept repeating those words bc I knew being at an 8, it wasn’t happening lol. I wanted to still try 😂 I’m just in full panic, I read horror stories like this on glow about how people get to the hospital so far dilated and I just knew that would never be me!! So they make me walk to the delivery room and it’s like 12:40 by this point and I’m wobbling over in tears bc I know the amount of pain I’m about to go through with no epidural. A room full of nurses entered and it terrified me, everyone poking me, asking me a hundred questions, it was just scary for a FTM and it all happening so fast. My husband is just pacing, bc we had talked previously about how I would be taking all the pain meds I could get lol. He is feeling so sorry for me. Finally the nurse tells me it’s to late for me to have anything but they would give me a shot to calm me down in order to relax me during my pushes, and give me a numbing shot in my vagina to help with pain. Nothing helped and I began begging for a c section lol

My water breaks as I’m doing these practice pushes at 9 1/2 cm and in walks the dr. I begin my practice pushes and honestly the nurses fingers being in me hurt worse than pushing !! I kept telling her “YOUR HURTING ME GET UR FINGERS OUT OF ME “😂😂 the doctor intervenes and in a few pushes I welcome my baby girl into this world, fast and furiously!

I’m laying here in the hospital room with my sweet baby on my chest napping, and all I can do is laugh at my labor and delivery. I didn’t trust my body or pay attention to the signs of labor. I dilated so fast at home it doesn’t even seem real. I did what I thought was the impossible, and delivered my baby without pain medication. I truly felt like a super woman. I have so much appreciation for my body and what it went through. Women are so amazing, no matter the way you deliver, bringing life into this world is simply amazing!