Finally My Turn!! Babygirl born 12/13


So I was induced at 38weeks due to gestational diabetes. So for my induction they got me started on some little ass pill. (Forgot the name) to start up contractions. Honestly i didn't feel anything yet. Doctor came in to check my cervix and i only dilated finger tip. It hurt so fucking bad her putting her fingers up my coochie. She told me my cervix was crooked thats why it was so painful..but honestly she was just rough.

I wasnt dilating much i only got to a 1

. so doctor came back and he told me he was gonna transfer me to l&d to get a epidural so they can put a ballon in me and get me started on pitocin.

I got the epidural super early but the best thing was it was a cord connected to my back so i can give myself more epidural if i needed it.

I didn't feel anything for a while..everything was numb and me being a diabetic i couldn't eat regular popsicles. So all i had was ice.. Finally them contractions came full force.and suddenly i called the nurses because i Had to shit!

The doctor comes in checks me and says ok start pushing. Even tho i was numb i couldnt feel anything until the ring fire (her head) was coming out. I was like "i cant do it cut her out i just cantttttt!!!!!!!!" literally had to stop and calm me down. Two pushes later she was out. I started pushing at 7am she was out at 7:30. Riley Malia Carter 6lbs 1oz 12/13/18