Big baby birth after pregnancy complications


25.11.18 A little late but...

My boyfriend is a gamer and streamer and usually once it gets late and I get tired (especially during the pregnancy) we just go to bed. However for some reason we decided to stay up until 4am playing a game.

We get into bed and cuddle and not long after I feel leaking and I get up out of bed as fast as I can... Not the easiest thing to do. As I get out of bed my waters had definitely broken and gushing out of me creating a rather large puddle on the floor. I'm trying to wake my boyfriend and telling him to go grab some towels for the floor. He's totally confused and takes a minute or so to register what's happening. Then when he realises he goes into panic mode (isn't it supposed to be me in panic mode?!?). So I'm trying to calm him. We don't even have the hospital bag packed so I'm trying to pack some stuff and he's a bit overwhelmed.

We go to the hospital and tell them my water has broken and they check and check for dilation. Water has definitely broken but I'm not really dilated and no contractions. So the doctor leaves to go and get us a pile of forms to fill out (here in Germany paperwork is everything). She's gone for maybe 15-20 mins and in that time I start contracting and really fast. We time them and they are less than 2 mins apart and around a minute long. She comes back with the paperwork and doesn't really belive but checks anyway and I've gone from nothing to 3cm in 30mins. Off to the delivery room I go.

They bring us in some breakfast - which I absolutely couldn't eat. And some iboprufen. And leave us with the stack of paperwork and tell us to ring the buzzer if there's a problem. Contractions get worse in the next hour but I've only gotten to a 3.5 maybe a 4 so they suggest a bath to maybe help speed things up and it's supposed to be relaxing.

To start with the bath sounds like a nice idea but after only another 30-40 mins I'm in so much pain and really contracting. Back to the delivery room and another check and I'm now at 6cm! By this time it's too much for me and they give me an epidural.

This slowed down the labour by hours. Hours go by and I can't feel anything really. But as it wears off they check and I'm at 10cm! But now the epidural is really wearing off quite quickly and I can feel EVERYTHING! And it's too late for them to give me more.

They move me to the side and suddenly I really feel he's on his way and I start pushing. This begins pushing for what seems like forever with no pain medication left in my system either.

At 19:37 Aiden Thomas Müller was born. He was 37+6 55cm long and 4510g (9.9lb). It was expected that he was going to be a big baby but he was measured at about 3900g just 2 days before. We had an appointment at the hospital on the 26 to have a look and maybe induce him or at least get a date within a few days to induce him. I had very high blood pressure during the pregnancy and also I developed gestational diabetes. The doctors were really pushing us to get a c-section which was not what we wanted. In the end no csection needed and I managed to get away with no serious tearing and no stitches given!