
Alannah • Wife and mother of 2 boys 10/02/13 and 03/09/19 and 1 princess 05/17/21

Has anyone been misdiagnosed with GD. I did a 2 hour glucose test and all my numbers were in range except my fasting which was 3 points over but it was still under what is considered normal.

Now my midwife has me testing my blood sugar 4 times a day. Once when I wake up and then 1 hour after I start eating each meal.. I have not changed anything about my diet yet and all my numbers I've gotten since I received my meter yesterday are all normal.

Last night after dinner was 110, this morning was 87, after breakfast was 124 and now after lunch it was 106... I'm supposed be below 95 when I wake up and below 140 after each meal.. so I'm beginning to think I was misdiagnosed.. what do you all think.