Casper Louise is here! Sunny side up 😣

Gabrielle • We have 2 little girls and 1 little boy! 👧🏻👦🏼👶🏻

We went in on 12/17 at 5am for an induction. Pitocin was started at 6am, and by 7 I was having mild contractions about 3 minutes apart. My doctor came in at 8 to break my water. I was only 2cm dilated and baby was still very high. Needless to say she couldn’t break it, and I about damn near climbed up over the back of the bed like the exorcist. So she ordered my epidural. By 8:45 I was pain free! She broke my water at 9:30. And I labored in the most comfortable way until 4pm. I was able to have conversations with my in-laws and husband all day, it was great! And really never had a “real” contraction before the epidural. Well, 4pm rolls around and my epidural was out. Then starts the worst pain I’ve ever had in my life! Back labor and feeling like I was about to birth this baby out of my ass. My nurse checked me, I was only at 7cm and baby rotated and was now sunny side up. Just great. They gave me another dose of my epidural, but they warned me it won’t take the pain away in my back and bottom. They weren’t kidding!! My doctor came back at 4:45 and has me start pushing. Bless her heart.... I was God awful to her. So she had me stop at 5pm and ordered me an IV pain med that would take the pain away. But it has a short life, and she said let’s get this baby out by 5:30. We start pushing and her head was stuck behind my pelvic bone. She wasn’t budging. And magically on my last push, she came down 6cm and flew right on out!! She was born at 5:24pm, our 3rd and last baby. 💗💜 8lbs 5oz and 19.25 inches.