Quick delivery ! 36w4d

The night of the 16th me and my bf had sex and then went to bed for the night . I had been getting little contractions before that but just brushed it off cuz I had been getting them for 2 weeks . At about 1 am the next morning I noticed they started to get quite painful and giving me a lot of pain in my lower back . I later there seeing if they were consistent then felt a little trickle down my leg . I thought the contraction had made me pee a little so I got up onto my knees and then more came out . So I got up and went to the bathroom and peed . Then got up and had a contraction and it was very painful I had to lean over the sink and breath through it . And then a big splat of water landed on the floor . I went back into my room and woke my bf and told him my water broke . At this time there was almost constant water coming out . So he jumped up and grabbed a towel and put it between my legs . We grabbed our hospital bag and left to the hospital . I only live a couple blocks from the hospital but my contractions were 1-2 mins apart already so when we got there they sent me up to labour and delivery . They checked me and I was a 4-5 . The pain was very intense I asked for the epidural . They brought me into the delivery room and put in my epidural about 15 mins after getting in the room . I later there for about 10 mins and told the nurse that she was coming out . She checked me I was 10 cm and baby was right there . My dr still hadn’t made it to the hospital yet so they told me not to push and just breath the contractions . When me dr finally came into my room 5-10 mins later I pushed for 5 mins and my baby girl was born at 2:58 am . 4lbs 15 oz 💞