Prodominal labour?


So I'm forty weeks today. I had my membranes swept at 39+5 when I was 2 cm and 75% effaced early in the morning. I began having consistent contractions around noon about six or seven minutes apart and slowly they got stronger and closer together. They never got to the point where I was in a crazy amount of pain so I felt like they weren't the real deal but they had been two to three minutes apart for a handful of hours and while not excruciating they were getting more painful. I went in and sure enough my nurses said the monitor showed I was "busting" out contractions and my water sac was bulging . Sadly Even after after an hour of monitoring I had made no change from 2 cm. So they sent me home and said they expected me back within the next twelve hours and to come in when the pain was unbearable. I went home around one in the morning to try to get some sleep after nine plus hours of contracting. I woke up the next day ready for my baby but the contractions had lost intensity and were very irregular. I walked around all day, tried nipple stimulation and doing labour inducing yoga to help open my pelvis but to no luck to bring back the consistency. Now I'm super frustrated and really hoping baby comes soon.