What to say when your miscarriages get dismissed?


I got very upset yesterday (perhaps I’m extra emotional with pregnancy hormones too) but my MIL said a couple of things that really got to me...

The first was “you had a couple of trial runs” and I said “well no, I had two babies that I lost, they weren’t trial runs...” to which she responded “I just meant, your body must have needed to adjust and get used to pregnancy” and so I said “we don’t know what was wrong with the last two pregnancies it could have been my body or something else like a genetic issue but we don’t know and I don’t want to talk about it anymore”.

Then I left for work and called my mum on the way and cried. It felt like my MIL was simultaneously dismissing my previous pregnancies and blaming it on me too and my anxiety with this pregnancy has been crazy so even the slight implication it was my body that caused the miscarriages has me worrying it will go wrong again this time.

Has anyone else experienced comments like these? I know my MIL was just saying things and didn’t mean to upset me but I wish I could have responded more rationally... how would/did you respond? Xoxo