Jogging advice


Hi everyone! Prior to pregnancy I was a regular runner. 2-3 times a week, and did regular 10k and half marathons.

I'm 27 weeks pregnant now, and due to severe sickness through my first and second trimesters, I haven't ran at all since early August so I've had a complete break from moderate exercise for about 5 months.

The advice out there is if you've always ran you're fine to carry on during pregnancy. If you've never ran then now is not the time to start.

But am I OK to re-start now that I'm feeling better? I'm really keen to get back out there. I read most of the dangers with taking it up is because of different centre of gravity, ligaments lose from all the relaxin, and strain on muscles. But I am thinking with only a 5 months break I may be OK?

Obviously I'm planning on starting slow - a jog/walk style couch to 5k program and take it from there and will be very careful.