Microlut minipill side effects

I recently was prescribed the minipill to try alleviate some of my endometriosis symptoms, I’ve never been on them before or the combined pill before as I suffer migraines, I’m just wondering if anyone has had side effects from the minipill? i don’t know if these things are common or normal. 3 days after starting the pill I began to have very sharp and strong pains in my sternum and chest, I was feeling very nauseous no appetite and had stabbing abdominal pains and also once when I went to get up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night I felt as if I was leaning to the left and had lost my balance and coordination for a minute, I also had weird aching pains in random spots of my body like my fingers and knees and ankles, one night it even felt like the whole bottom half of my body had the circulation cut off as every joint was just aching so bad I couldn’t sleep. It was only 3 days of taking the minipill that all this happened and most of these were listed in the severe side effects on the pamphlet, I stopped taking them immediately. I guess I’m wondering if anybody else just feels like the pill completely does not agree with them and is uncomfortable with taking the pill cause of side effects? I was thinking of trying to take them again next period to see if it happened again but I’m quite worried it will do damage to my body somehow, but I also want to easily manage my endo symptoms because I suffer quite a long list and it’s making work and everything hard to keep up with. I feel hormonal BC is the best way to do so ( I do not want the mirena, heard lots of bad stories, my body also did not like the implanon implant after a few years). Has anyone had this problem? Did you stop taking the minipill or did these side effects go away and you were fine after a while? I don’t exactly need to take it I have other options for endo like surgery I’m just curious cause the pill would be so much easier and consistent